Visitors who want to apply for Saint Kitts and Nevis tourist visas should know everything about Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa Policy. But are you not yet aware of the visa policy of Saint Kitts and Nevis? Do you want to know and check whether you can visit Saint Kitts and Nevis or not? So what are you waiting for? Let’s tell you everything that you want to know. So are you aware that Saint Kitts and Nevis government has a policy according to which nationals of a few countries can travel to Saint Kitt's and Nevis without a Visa? On the other hand, the nationals of a few countries have to get a visa on arrival to enter Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Saint Kitts and Nevis are also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis. It is a popular island which is located in the West Indies. Saint Kitts and Nevis are blessed with the beautiful mountains and beaches with different color grey and brown sand. Well, now you may be thinking that how you can check whether you can travel the island without Visa or you need a visa to travel and if you need a visa which kind of visa you need. To know, read the article carefully.
Visa-exempt countries to Saint Kitt's and Nevis
The expense countries are those countries whose nationals can travel to the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis without a Visa. Another word that I know of is restrictions of travel to the nationals of these countries so they can travel freely around the Island. The list of the Visa-exempt countries for the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis is given below:
Antigua and Barbuda | Dominica | Grenada | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent |
Visa Free Countries For 90 Days
As per the Visa policy of Saint Kitts and Nevis, there is a list of countries whose Nationals can travel freely without getting a Visa but only if they want to travel for tourism. So there are conditions even if they want to travel for tourism which they can travel freely but they can stay up to only 90 days or 3 months after which they will require a Visa.
All European countries | China | India | Maldives | Qatar | Turkey |
Albania | Colombia | Indonesia | Malta | Russia | Tuvalu |
Argentina | Costa Rica | Israel | Mauritius | Rwanda | Uganda |
Australia | Cuba | Jamaica | Mexico | Saudi Arabia | Ukraine |
Bahamas | Ecuador | Japan | Moldova | Serbia | United Arab Emirates |
Bahrain | Egypt | Jordan | Monaco | Seychelles | United Kingdom |
Bangladesh | EI Salvador | Kenya | Nauru | Sierra Leone | United States of America |
Barbados | Eswatini | Kiribati | New Zealand | Singapore | Uruguay |
Belarus | Fiji | Kuwait | Nicaragua | Solomon Islands | Vanuatu |
Belize | Gambia | Nigeria | South Africa | Vatican City | Bolivia |
Ghana | South Korea | Norway | Sri Lanka | Venezuela | Botswana |
Guatemala | Lesotho | Panama | Suriname | Zambia | Brazil |
Guyana | Liechtenstein | Papua New Guinea | Switzerland | Zimbabwe | Brunei |
Honduras | Macau | Paraguay | Taiwan | Canada | Hong Kong |
Malawi | Peru | Tanzania | Chile | Iceland | Malaysia |
Trinidad and Tobago | Tonga |
Special cases
United Kingdom - Nationals of the United Kingdom who have BOTC passports of Montserrat can stay up to 6 months on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Visa Free Countries For 6 Months of Validity
Six months Stay validity is not given for any kind of Visa but this is the time. You can stay on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis without a Visa. Well, this time can be utilized for a lot of purposes if you want to explore the island then 6 months are quite enough. The Nationals of the following countries can be on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis four-six months:
Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Canada | Guyana | Jamaica |
Suriname | Trinidad and Tobago | United States of America |
Visa-Free Countries For 1 Month Stay Validity
As for the Visa policy of Saint Kitts and Nevis, few Nationals can travel the island for tourism. But they have an advantage if you are the citizen of all of the below countries then there is no need for any kind of Visa to travel freely and explore the Island. If you are the Nationals of the below countries then you do not require a visa and enter the island just with a visa travel Saint Kitts and Nevis for one month:
- Belarus
- Indonesia
- Macao
Visa Free Countries For 27 Days Stay Validity
National of the following countries who want to travel Saint Kitts and Nevis for just 27 days traveling do not require any kind of Visa. But if you want to exceed the time of the trip then you have to get a Visa for yourself. But this facility of traveling without Visa 27 days is only given to nationals of all one country.
- Cuba
Countries that require E-Visa or Visa on arrival to enter Saint Kitts
- E-Visa or visa-on-arrival is the easiest way to get the visa to travel to the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Do you know what E-Visa is? If don't worry because we are going to tell you everything.
- E-Visa is issued to travelers by using online services.
- E-visa is an electronic travel authorization Visa which makes the process of getting a Visa easier. Most of the countries have these facilities for Increasing tourism in the nation.
The following countries require all visas to enter the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Afghanistan | Cameroon | Gabon | Libya | North Macedonia | Thailand |
Algeria | Cape Verde | Guinea | Madagascar | Pakistan | Timor Lester |
Andorra | Central African Republic | Guinea Bissau | Mali | Palau | Tunisia |
Angola | Chad | Haiti | Myanmar | Palestine | Turkmenistan |
Armenia | Comoros | Iran | Mauritania | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Azerbaijan | Congo | Iraq | Micronesia | Samoa | Vietnam |
Benin | Côte d'Ivoire | Kazakhstan | Mongolia | Sao Tome and Principe | Western Sahara |
Bhutan | Djibouti | Korea | Mozambique | Senegal | Yemen |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Dominican Republic | Kyrgyz | Namibia | Somalia | Burkina Faso |
Equatorial Guinea | Laos | Nepal | Sudan | Burundi | Eritrea |
Lebanon | Niger | Syrian Arab Republic | Cambodia | Ethiopia | Liberia |
Northern Cyprus | Tajikistan |
Countries which do not require any kind of Visa
The government of Saint Kitts and Nevis signed an agreement with a few countries According to which the passport holders of the below countries can travel the island for any purpose and do not require a Visa. But the only condition for this is that they should have a valid passport. Well, this is good news so do you want to know which countries are those. So have looked at the below list:
- San Marino
- Albania
- Togo
- Georgia
- Marshalls Island
Non-ordinary passport holders
Non-ordinary passport holders are those individuals who have the special passport of a country. This passport gives the advantage to the Nationals for traveling freely though any kind of purpose Weathers is related to business, tourism, medical treatment, education, and many more. This Kind of passport is the only issue to the government officials. In Saint Kitts and Nevis, diplomatic passport holders of only one country can travel to the country is named below:
- Haiti
Important information
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Has not included the name of a few countries in the Visa required countries for entering the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
- Georgia
- Oman
- San Marino
- Togo
- Morocco
- Haiti
Frequently Asked question
Q. How can I know that I am eligible to visit Saint Kitts and Nevis?
Well, this is very easy to check your eligibility criteria for visiting Saint Kitts and Nevis. You can read Saint Kitts and Nevis visa policy in which you will find the different lists and if you read them carefully you will come to know. You are eligible or not. It is very easy to check those lists because it is categorized like
● Visa on arrival countries
● E-visa countries
● Diplomatic passport holders
● Visa-free countries
So if you check these lists and find your country's name then you are eligible to visit the island
Q. Can I stay in Saint Kitts and Nevis for up to six months?
Yes, you can stay in Saint Kitts and Nevis for 6 months and you know what the good news is. You can stay there without a Visa. Yes but that's only for specific countries. Well, we have given the list of the countries whose citizens can stay on the island for 6 months without any kind of visa. So you can check the list and clarify your Doubts.
Q. What is the meaning of Visa-exempt countries in the stand Kitts and Nevis Visa policy?
Visa-exempt countries are those countries that have special facilities to travel a nation without any documentation process or without following any kind of procedure. In simple words, the Nationals of Visa-exempt countries can travel to the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis without any kind of Visa.
Before you travel to any country or you apply for the Visa of Saint Kitts and Nevis you should know about the Visa policy. Now you may be thinking why it is so important to know about the Visa policy of Saint Kitts and Nevis before planning to travel. So let us tell you that the government of Saint Kitts and Nevis allows only a few countries to enter without a visa and there's a large list of the countries which require visas for entrance. Also, few countries can travel freely on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis for a specific time. So you can clarify all your doubts by having a look at Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa policy which is explained simply.
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