turkey visa for sierra leone nationals

Steps to Apply Turkey Visa For Sierra Leone Nationals

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Turkish Airlines

With a measurable step taken under pandemic situations, the turkey airline services will be open after February, this decision is been announced by the turkey embassy. The decision was taken to open the Turkish airline services under the following measuring scopes which every visitor will be facing off while traveling towards the direction of turkey. There is certain travel restricted condition that the embassy of turkey has a plan and it will be followed accordingly if the laws and rules are not been obeyed properly.

  • The travelers who are traveling on a direct flight toward turkey country they were no need to follow the 14 days quarantine period after reaching the airport of turkey, they have to show only the dose vaccinated copy of the proof, along with the PCR test reports, and while entry their temperature will be checked.
  • The airline's authorities have taken consecutive measures in the sitting arrangements so that the passengers can maintain a social distance, special attention is taken so that the passenger can travel contactless, a special HEPA- filter and Ammi wear machine has been injected in the flights so that a fresh and free of virus can be breath while enjoying the flight services.
  • Health reports copy should be carried at the time of travel.



  • The passenger who is breaking their journey in the middle have to undergo
    • A 7 days quarantine
    • Again, PCR test will be conducted by the doctors which are been employed by the airline’s authorities
    • Must change the mask after 8 hours of traveling and use a fresh mask which will be given by the airline’s authorities
    • If the passengers are not been shown any mild covid syndromes or have not indulged in any drugs antipyretic medicines then after the 7th day of quarantine they can enjoy their travel
    • After check-in at the turkey airport then only their visa will be activated.


1. Before the boarding process, the travelers should maintain these properties

  • Wearing a 3-layer mask, sanitizing their hand in every hour, and maintaining a proper distance from each other.
  • The customer should use a full-faced covered mask throughout their journey process. So that the eyes, faces, and Norse are been protected from this virus

2. When the passenger will undergo the quarantine process, they will be kept in an isolated chamber so that they cannot come in contact with any passengers.

3. Travelers must follow all the announcements and subjective measuring steps while the traveling process.

4. All the covid guidelines and measuring steps should be fulfilled by the passengers.

5.SARS-CoV-2 PCR test will also be conducted by the airline’s authorities for a safe journey

6. The turkey embassy has taken measures to start the RNA and acid nuclear test so that it can be assured completely that the travelers are not been affected by any covid virus.


Is Turkey A Free Country

From the online mode of information, you really cannot predict the beauty of turkey country. In the geographical vision of esteemed we can predict that turkey country lies between the border areas of Asia and Europe. It has been covered with waterbodies costliness across the whole country. Istanbul is been recognized as the largest city of the turkey country, but Ankara is been signified as the capital city of the turkey nation. Its overall population is quite high, it maintains a good significant relationship with foreign countries as well as its neighboring country. 

Turkey has gained its independence and been declared as a free nation country, though its economy is been diversely in a deficient condition. The turkey countries economy majorly depends on its tourist traveling, which has been closed down for two years by the turkey embassy for the rapid increase covid cases studies.

Turkey country is been famous for its Blue mosque destiny as it has been a connective mosque through bridge locations of Bosporus bridge which forms a connective network with the Asia and Europe citizens. Doner kabab and on beverage Turkish coffee is been the famous food popularity of the turkey country, it has many heritages temples, mosque, cave houses, Turkish famous bath places, beaches, which depicts the struggle which the Turkish people has faces in the battle settlement of the trojan war. 

Turkey Visa

The Sierra Leone Nationals are been allowed to visit the Tukey country by submitting the passport and turkey e-visa documents. The turkey embassy has announced that the Sierra Leone Nationals will be allowed 60 days along with the visa condition, they can further lengthen their time for 30 days depending on its visa condition.

For the covid pandemic consecutive measure, the turkey embassy has announced that in all the visa types only single visa types will be available, the embassy of turkey is closing the multiple visa type response for the challenging covid rising cases. 

The visa on arrival type will be open for those travelers who have to travel for some emergency business icon meetings or to attend some embassy conductive meetings.

Requirements For Turkey Visa

The documents which are needful for the traveling are as follows-

Turkey Visa Requirements

Reason Behinds That Requirements.

Passport deeds

This evidence is required for the traveling records by the turkey embassy

Candidate own image deeds

The turkey embassy has to keep a record of many travelers so for the identification of the travelers face these conditions need to be fulfilled

Immigrant letter or nonimmigrant letter assurance records

Travelers ask for a letter of immigration from the foreign minister for a long-term visit and a non-immigrating letter for a short period visit. This letter is the assured certificate from the embassy of the nation.

Complete health examination records

This document is needed to get the information whether the traveler is a non-affected covid passenger or not, and also, they are physically fit or not.

Candidate must apply for the Insurance paper- of health and travelling;

This insurance paper is required if somehow the traveler is been death accidentally while traveling his/her family can get the facility.

Crime free police diary records

This evidence is required for visa approval

Personal deeds of the candidates

1.    Candidates bank details and sufficient transaction funds are needful for the travel

2.    Id and citizenship proof documents are needful

3.    House location complete address is requiring

4.    Candidate full name, signature, contact details, and valid email id is required

5.    Along with the reservation flight and hotel tickets.


Turkey Visa Fees

The turkey visa bookings to visa approval the whole procedure should be done in the site tourist visa online, this site is been prefer as it been an only site which gives a best-rated discount on visa price, along with that fast delivery and live tracking functioning, it informs its customers regards all the countries details information weather the country is accepting the visa response along with the status of the required document. The tourist visa online site is easy to handle and use, no fraud cases are been conducted here, it has many happy customers with good feedback, book your first visa from tourist visa online site and experience a good service experience.

Apply Turkey Visa
